Practice Areas
Our comprehensive counseling services are second to none, and everything that we offer is based around the simple premise that your comfort and happiness must be the first priority. Our compassionate family therapists are devoted to this ideal, and we work tirelessly to uphold it.
Saturday morning appointments are now available for children and families. We have available several emergency slots so we can see urgent consultations within 48 hours.
Psychological, Counseling And Consultation Services
Individual Counseling
Family Counseling and Therapy
Social-Skills Training
Consultation with Pediatricians
Consultations for Special-Education Attorneys
Second Opinions regarding ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Asperger's and Emotional Disabilities
Couples Counseling
Parenting Skills
Consultation with Schools
Workshops for Physicians and Educators
Training to mental health professionals on "Psychodynamics of Learning Disabilities"
The choice is simple.
Contact Us
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