
Resocializing Kids after Coronavirus

Resocializing Kids after Coronavirus

Dr Keller discusses the best ways to help children prepare for reentering school life after being absent since Spring Break. Reporter Jamie Cerretta asks questions to encourage parents to get their kids ready to attending school differently this year. Video courtesy...

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Coping with Covid-19 | Healthcare Panel

Coping with Covid-19 | Healthcare Panel

Dr. Martin Keller psychologist participated In a panel discussion at Temple Chai in Phoenix, Arizona On the topic of Coping with COVID-19. Panel Members Included: Dr. Keller offered psychological tips to reducing anxiety. Dr. Steven Finberg pulmonologist. Dr. Eric...

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Physican Burnout: A Silent Epidemic

Physican Burnout: A Silent Epidemic

What is Physician Burnout? Burnout refers to psychological exhaustion and diminished efficiency from overwork or prolonged exposure to stress. Medical literature suggests practicing physicians are susceptible to Burnout. Common symptoms of Physician Burnout include...

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